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The advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence, these points should be known


        Artificial intelligence is a new technical science that studies and develops theories, methods, technologies, and application systems for simulating, extending and expanding human intelligence. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence? Let's briefly describe them.

  The advantages of artificial intelligence

  1. The application of artificial intelligence in space exploration and the ability to reduce errors

  Artificial intelligence is used in many fields of research, including space exploration. Artificial intelligence and space exploration sounds like a natural pairing, at least in the universe. Intelligent robots can receive information and be sent into space to perform exploration tasks. Machines are tougher and more tolerant of the harsh environment of space.

  2. Daily application and help

  The calculated ways of autonomous reasoning, self-learning, and self-perception have become the most common phenomena in our daily life. This is the daily use of Siri and Cortana in smartphone apps, and this is a real-world example of how we use artificial intelligence every day. In use, we have found that these AIs can predict the text we are about to type and correct our spelling mistakes. This is how artificial intelligence works. When we post pictures of ourselves on social networking sites, artificial intelligence algorithms can identify and detect faces, and then label each face.

  3. Complete repetitive tasks

  Repeating a single job can also be done easily with the intelligent help of robots and machines. Machines don’t need breaks, can work faster than humans, and can multitask. Machine intelligence can also be used to perform some dangerous tasks. Unlike humans, the parameters of machines can be adjusted. The speed and timing of their actions are simply based on calculated parameters. When humans play computer games or run a computer-controlled robot, humans are actually communicating with artificial intelligence. When playing games, the computer is our opponent. The machine intelligence plans the corresponding game operations according to our operations. We can consider computer games to be our most common use of artificial intelligence.

  4. Medical applications

  The application of artificial intelligence in the medical industry has made significant progress. The use of artificial intelligence in medicine makes diagnosis more precise while reducing patients' reliance on social services. For example, therapeutic robots have helped Alzheimer's patients improve their quality of life. The human influence of doctors on patients is also now significantly reduced.

  Disadvantages of artificial intelligence

  1. Challenging the bottom line of human morality

  "(Artificial) intelligence" is considered a gift from nature to us. Machines have no emotions or morals. They simply perform any procedure without the ability to judge whether the task performed is good or evil. They cannot make decisions when faced with unfamiliar situations. In this case, they either execute incorrectly or fail and stop.

  2. The loss of human creativity

  The most crucial question is do you really want to be creative and imaginative? Creativity and imagination are not AI's forte. While they can help humans design and create, they don't have the power of thought and the uniqueness of creative thinking that the human brain has. Humans are sensitive and emotional. Humans can see, hear, think, and feel. The human mind is guided by emotions, an ability that machines completely lack. The innate intuitive ability of the human brain cannot be replicated.

  3. Soaring unemployment

  Replacing humans with machines would create massive unemployment. If the use of artificial intelligence proliferates, humans will inevitably become highly dependent on machines. In short, it causes immeasurable destruction. In addition, there has always been concern that machines will eventually replace humans.

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